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11+ Selective Entrance Testing (Infomation & School 11+ Club provision)

The 11+ (or 11-plus) is a selective entrance exam generally taken at the beginning of Year 6 in a primary school which is part of the admissions process for Year 7 at the UK’s grammar schools. Grammar schools are state-funded secondary schools with a strong focus on academic achievement, and some fee-paying independent schools.

The content varies between different areas of the UK but will generally be based on some or all of the following types of questions: English, maths, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning. Students will typically sit two or three 11+ exams, which usually last between 45-60 minutes.

For more information regarding the 11+ process and testing, please go to the Consortium of Selected Schools in Essex website.

How can I prepare my child for the 11+?

Should you wish for your child to sit the 11+ test, it is important they are prepared for the assessments as they differ greatly from the primary National Curriculum.

You may wish to prepare your child using online resources available, such as the series of Bond 11+ books or GL Assessment papers, or to send your child to 11+ tuition group. 

How does Bournes Green support the 11+?

We working with Achievement Academy who offer an 11+ Club for children in Year 5. This is on Tuesday and Thursday's in the Junior library from 7-40am to 8-40am. If you have any questions, please email the Achievement Academy directly or phone 01702 883488.  

We also have plans to extend our 11+ support to Year 4, as well as offer holiday tuition opportunities as well as mock exam lessons. Details will be shared soon regarding this extended offer.

We do not charge the 11+ Club any term time rent in order to keep the costs as low as possible for our parents.

If you would like your child to attend an 11+ Club but are unable to make the financial commitement to this, please contact Mr Denchfield to discuss this further. Where we can help, we will be pleased to do so.