School Eco-Committee
What is a School Eco-Committee?
The Eco Committee is a great opportunity for children at Bournes Green to help our school be more environmentally friendly. The committee allow children to get more involved in the way school is run by providing them with opportunities to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.
Why have a School Eco-Committee?
To help our children understand the importance of looking after our world and to help our school be more environmentally friendly.
2022-23 Eco-Committee Information/Highlights
Our Infant Eco Council members are:
Jellyfish - Frank
Starfish - Thea
Shell - Mia Me
Pebble - Fletcher
Sandcastle - Ellie
Sunshine - Anna
Every week at lunchtime, the councillors inspect the classrooms to check if:
lights are off (if the classroom is empty)
taps are off
there is a pen recycling box
the computer screen has been switched off
the rubbish has been put in the correct bins (recycling or landfill)
They award eco-points to each class and the classes with the most points are announced in our weekly Celebration Assembly.
They take part in litter picking in the playground.
They wrote labels to stick around the school, to remind pupils AND STAFF to switch off lights and plugs.
As part of Wild Lunchtimes, they will be planting seeds in our Outdoor Learning area.
They are planning a Beach Clean Litter pick with the Juniors as part of The Great British Spring Clean.
They are thinking about ideas to celebrate Earth Day in April and raise awareness.
They are also thinking about food waste in the school of ways to reduce it.
Websites that help us to improve our environment!