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Walking home/collection from school

In Y6, should you wish for your child to walk home unaccompanied from school, you must email the school office in advance so we can make a note on your child’s records. We strongly discourage parents with children in younger year groups from requesting their children walk home unaccompanied.     

Parents must have no concerns about their child’s ability to keep themselves safe when walking home without an adult. Whilst we as a school promote independence in our children, we are always mindful that safety and security should come first. Parents should ensure that their child understands the Green Cross Code/Road Safety, is aware of stranger danger and clearly understands what action to take in case of an emergency. It is advised that children of primary age walking home alone go straight to an agreed residence and do not go home to an unsupervised house.  

We only release our children to an older sibling if we have parental consent in writing (or an email). In addition, the sibling must be 14 years or older.   

Children must be collected from their classroom door. We are not able to let children be collected from the school gates as we have no way of checking that this has safely happened. 

Below is some additional information that you may find helpful. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this matter further, please speak to Mr Denchfield. 

NSPCC advice

  • Make sure they know their address and your telephone number by heart, in case they get lost or have to navigate home from somewhere new.
  • If they have a mobile phone, remind them to fully charge it before leaving the house, and make sure they have all your contact numbers saved.
  • Talk to them about road safety. They should always look both ways before crossing the street, and never be on their phone whilst crossing a road.
  • Remind them never to accept a lift from someone they don’t know, or let a stranger into the house. They should never give personal information away – in real life or online.
  • Remind them that if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any time, they can call you or a trusted adult.
  • If they ever feel like they’re in immediate danger, they should call the police straight away on 999.

Additional advice/information

Green Cross Code

Calls to bring back 'Stranger danger' advice for children after 10% ...

Collection by different adult

We understand that occasionally, you may need to make alternative collection arrangements for your child. Where this is the case, the office ( or must receive an email or telephone call by 2-30pm at the latest in order for this to be passed onto the class teacher. Please do not email the class email as teachers are very unlikely to read and respond to emails during the school day as they are teaching.

Any delays in us receiving this information may result in your child not being released on time at the end of the day. Your child’s safety is extremely important to us, and we must have the correct collection information before the end of the school day. Thank you.